All Education Residential Historic Sustainability Leisure and Sports Commercial Miscellaneous AllEducationResidentialHistoricSustainabilityLeisure and SportsCommercialMiscellaneous Little Bainden Granary Cowmans Cottage 12-13 York Buildings, Hastings Stowe Place Newhaven Affordable Housing Residential redevelopment of the former Bronzeoak House Site. Clare House Crescent Road, Brighton Windrush Redevelopment of the Sussex Coaster Site in Peacehaven Southdown Court, Brighton Laton Place, Affordable Housing Watergate Lane Green Farm The Fridays, East Dean Pound Farm Manor Farmhouse St Thomas Dunk Almshouses in Hawkhurst, Kent Goodwyns Estate, Affordable Housing. Wallis Centre Dene Road Royal Observation Core Monitoring Station Conversion Pool House Lambert Place